

What will happen to a quail egg if its soaked in vinegar?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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11y ago

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The shell of the quail egg will come off

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Q: What will happen to a quail egg if its soaked in vinegar?
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An egg without its shell will get smaller in a concentrated solution because water is taken from the egg into the solution. Remember osmosis.

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What reaction happens when an egg is soaked in vinegar?

The eggs won't react, it is the vinegar that acts on the egg. The acid in the vinegar will corrode the calcium in the egg shell, causing the egg to become soft, like rubber.

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Not much, but if you soak it in vinegar the shell will dissolve!

What happens when an egg is soaked in Gatorade?

If you put the egg in vinegar then put it into Gatorade then the egg looks defalated, red, and very sticky.

After soaking an egg in Corn syrup what will happen if you soaked it in distilled water?

the egg becomes smaller

Why doesn't the membranenof an egg get dissolved when soaked in vinegar?

Because when it is soaked in vinegar,the shell is making direct contact with the vinegar;the shell is made from carbonate and will be dissolved by the acid in the vinegar, whereas, the membrane is protein so it takes a lot longer to be affected by the vinegar. The reaction is different so the membrane appears not to be affected.

Is soaking an egg in vinegar a chemical change to the egg?

When an egg is soaked in vinegar the vinegar reacts with the calcium carbonate of the shell by breaking it down into its simplest forms. (Calcium and carbon dioxide.) Therefore causing a chemical change.

What is Shelf Life of Quail Egg?

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What is the chemical reaction when the egg shell is soaked in vinegar?

The reaction is:CaCO3 + 2 CH3COOH = (CH3COO)2Ca + H2O + CO2