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Kind of hard to do when urine and semen cannot flow at the same time. The lines connecting them shut off and open separately, especially during erection. The increased blood blocks off the line for urine to the urethra so only semen can come out.

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Q: What will happen to his health if the flow of urine and semen is at a time?
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How could a large kidney stone block urine flow?

It is never normal for a kidney stone to block your urine, however it does happen. When a stone blocks the flow of urine, treatment needs to occur soon so kidney or ureter damage doesn't occur.

Why does your semen come out of a woman?

Gravity. Liquids flow downhill. --------- It's quite common for this to happen. There will still be plenty left to cause a pregnancy.

What is the function of the penis in the reproductive system?

In males the urethra carries semen from the ejaculatory duct outwards through the penis. The semen is directed from the reproductive organs through the vas deferens tube for semen that intersects with the urethra at the prostate gland. A valve there at the base of the urethra directs the flow of either urine or semen through the urethra and out of the meatus.

What causes semen flow to stop?

Various factors can cause semen flow to stop, including stress, anxiety, certain medications, dehydration, hormonal imbalances, and prostate issues. If this happens frequently or persists, it may be advisable to consult a healthcare provider for further evaluation and guidance.

What can you do if the ureter becomes tighter and the urine dont flow?

If the Urine is in the bladder and does not flow, you put a catheter through the urethra.

What is a urine flow test?

A urine flow test evaluates the speed of urination, or amount voided per second, and the total time of urination.

Is it safe to pee in the girl during sex?

There are muscles that prevent urine flow during erection, making urinating during sexual arousalor erection essentially impossible. These muscles will only allow semen flow through the urethra during male sexual arousal and at male ejaculation.

What is the function of the urethra in the excretory system?

In humans, the urethra carries urine (from the bladder) out of the body, and in males it also carries semen from the testes through the penis (for sexual ejaculation).In both men and women, the urethra is the tube through which urine is excreted from the urinary bladder to outside the body. Urine flows from the bladder out of the body by way of the urethra when the sphincter muscle is relaxed. The urethral sphincter muscle is at the base of the bladder and controls the release of urine from the bladder into the urethra, which then flows out of the meatus (opening at the end of the urethra) when urinating.The urethra is approximately 1 1/2 inches long in females and around 8 inches long in males. The urethral meatus is located at the tip of the penis in men and between the clitoris and vaginal opening in women.In males the urethra also carries semen from the ejaculatory duct outwards through the penis. The semen is directed from the reproductive organs through the vas deferens tube for semen that intersects with the urethra at the prostate gland. A valve there at the base of the urethra directs the flow of either urine or semen through the urethra and out of the meatus.the urethra is the opening where your urine comes out.This is the tube present in both men and women that carries urine from the bladder to the outside world. For obvious reasons it is longer in men than in women, giving men a lower chance of a Urinanry Tract Infection.The function of the Uretha is to transport urine and semen from the male and urine from females out of the body.the urinary systems uretha is the part where that pee comes out.

The prostate gland in older men may block the flow of fluid?

It can happen. There is a condotion known as BPH (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia) that can narrow the urethra and restrict urine flow. This can also occur with prostate cancer.

What hormones name means against urine flow what condition happens if it is not secreted?

Antidiuretic hormone works against urine flow; if it's not produced, there is excess dilute urine produced.

What is the urethra?

In both men and women, the urethra is the tube through which urine is excreted from the urinary bladder to outside the body. Urine flows from the bladder out of the body by way of the urethra when the sphincter muscle is relaxed. The urethral sphincter muscle is at the base of the bladder and controls the release of urine from the bladder into the urethra, which then flows out of the meatus (opening at the end of the urethra) when urinating. The urethra is approximately 1 1/2 inches long in females and around 8 inches long in males. The urethral meatus is located at the tip of the penis in men and between the clitoris and vaginal opening in women. In males the urethra also carries semen from the ejaculatory duct outwards through the penis. The semen is directed from the reproductive organs through the vas deferens tube for semen that intersects with the urethra at the prostate gland. A valve there at the base of the urethra directs the flow of either urine or semen through the urethra and out of the meatus.

What can a urine flow test show?

A urine flow test can indicate problems in bladder function, such as an obstruction, that will need further tests to diagnose.