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As Terry Pratchett noted, speciesism is more interesting than racism.

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Q: What will happen to racism if humans find intelligent life on other planets?
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Where does racism happen mostly?

Racism can happen in various settings such as schools, workplaces, neighborhoods, and online platforms. It is important to address and combat racism wherever it occurs to create a more inclusive and equitable society.

What is the term for the belief that not all humans are created equal?


Where did racism happen in America?

Everywhere, to varying degrees.

Does racism only happen between black and white people?

Racism does not only happen between black and white people. It happens also with a combintion of all, oriental, hispanic, latinos, canadians.

What could have happen now if Martin Luther King didn't stop racism?

He didn't stop racism. Mr. King DID make much progress in the fight against racism, but racism still exists in every part of the world unfortunately.

What country did racism start in?

Racism did not start in one specific country. There have and always will be racism. It is present in all or most humans, it's just natural. However, it is not natural to openly express your racism at the expense of others (meaning you're violent either verbally or physically).

Are humans naturally inclined to be slighty racist?

No, racism is not a natural inclination. It is a learned bahaviour.

Should you not let racists go into Mexico?

It is just a matter of personal taste. We humans have a natural tendency of being afraid to things and people we don't understand. Racism can happen for a variety of reasons, including sheer ignorance.

What type of restrictions happen through racism in sport?

Nothing. Actually. No suspensions no nothing.

How bad can racism get?

Racism can get so bad someone would murder someone of another race out of pure hate. This can happen anywhere in the world, by any race, toward any race.

Why do people have campaigns against racist people?

The reasons vary, depending on what you call racism. If racism were just an attitude or idea, it might not be so bad. But racism often leads to discrimination, mistreatment, and violence. Those are bad things which should never happen to anyone.