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Q: What will happen to the land at the Mississippi river's mouth after the next 100 years?
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What the mouth of a river?

It is formed by water hitting both sides for years until there is no more land there and water can get through from both sides.

Can a drought happen in Mississippi?

Eventually. The Earth has changed quite a bit over the last million years. So yes at some point Mississippi will probably be a desert. Even if a place is not a desert it still can have a drought

What is the location of the mouth of the Mississippi river?

For the last 1,200 years, sediment deposition has occurred primarily at the mouth of the Mississippi River's Plaquemines-Balize delta, in the area defined as the Mississippi River Delta Basin. This delta is located on the edge of the continental shelf of the Gulf of Mexico. Its bird's foot configuration is characteristic of alluvial deposition in deep water. In this configuration large volumes of sediment are required to create land area; consequently, land is being lost in this delta more rapidly than it is being created.

What are the most important rivers in the world?

The Nile, the Mississippi, and the Amazon rivers are all very famous; we couldn't really say which is the most famous of the three. It's the Nile, because of Ancient Egypt, and it's also the world's longest river.

What is the median age of Mississippi?

The median age in Mississippi is around 39 years old.

How old is Marcus Rivers?

Marcus Rivers is 12 years old.

How old is William Halse Rivers Rivers?

William Halse Rivers Rivers was born on March 12, 1864 and died on June 4, 1922. William Halse Rivers Rivers would have been 58 years old at the time of death or 151 years old today.

When did they have rivers in Canada?

there have been rivers for millions of years..... what do you think Canada is like?

How long has Mississippi river been around for?

The Mississippi River was formed in the most recent Ice Age which started 2 million years ago and ended 10,000 years ago. This makes the Mississippi River 10,000 years old.

What river never dries up?

There are many rivers that never dry up. In American the Mississippi, Columbia, and Colorada run year round. The Amazon, Yellow, Yangze and Nile also are constant and have been for thousands of years. Of course this excludes and tributaries or smaller offshutes of these waterways. The main rivers themselves always flow.