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it will be demagnetized

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Q: What will happen to the magnet if you put some electricity on it?
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What is a way to make a very powerful electro magnet?

Put a magnet into AC electricity

What will happen if you put a magnet in a fridge?

It will stick to the refrigerator

What will happen if you put a compass next to a electromagnet that is turnd on?

the arrow in the compass would point to the magnet

What do you think will happen when you try to put two magnet together?

They will try to get away from each other.

Can magnets be turned off?

search this on youtube, there is a video of how to turn off a permanent magnet. they use some wire wrapped around it in a certain position and then put 180 khz of electricity through it

What would Happen to you if you put your hand in a electricity Eel in an tank?

Give it a try

What happens when you put magnet on a disk?

Unless you scratch the disk while placing the magnet on the disk, then nothing will happen. A magnet would have to be powerful enough to extract the hemoglobin from human bloodcells to be able to effect the disk.

How do magnets get stronger?

Because when the Magnet is in colder conditions it just does so fzck you and have a nice day

Does a magnet repell?

yes a magnet repell. Because if you put a piece of sheet it would not do anything but if you have another magnet and you put it on the south and the magnet is south then it will repell

Where is the magnetic field on a magnet?

On the gray side of the magnet, if you take out a magnet and put it next to a magnet things you put on the fridge, It sticks to it! You see, the magnet's force is invisible so u can't see it. Or if you put it next to a magnet that sticks to that magnet, You might feel it's force or not. I tried it once :).

What happens when you put the 2 S sides together on a magnet?

it repels the magnets away from each other the same would happen if you put an N and N together

What is the result you should see if there is a magnet in the doorbell when it is connected?

put a magnet up to the door bell