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Q: What will happen when FRESH raisins are kept inside the concentrated sugar solution?
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What will happen if a raisin is placed in a low concentrated sugar solution?

The raisin will become filled with more water as there is more sugar and less water inside.

Higher salt concentration outside cell than inside what would happen?

Through the process of osmosis, the water inside the cell would leave the cell in order to equalize the concentration of water relative to salt in and outside the cell. The cell would shrink. Salt is not passing through at all.

What would happen to the weight of a dialysis bag filled with molasses placed in a beaker of water?

The water in the dialysis bag would diffuse out into the molasses solution. This is because there is a high concentration of water inside the dialysis bag and a a lower concentration of water in the molasses solution. By diffusion or osmosis, the water would tend to move from the concentrated bag to a less concentrated solution.

If two cubes of potatoes are put into concentrated sugar solution and distilled water and are left for an hour what will happen?

if this is an osmosis questions. the one in sugar will shrink and the one in water should swell up. in the sugar solution the concentration or [] of sugar is high outside therefore the water moves from inside the potato to the outside to try to equalize the []. the opposite is true for the potato in distilled water

What do raisins have inside?

Raisins are dried grapes. The inside should be the dried flesh of the grape. They may have been treated with sulfur dioxide and/or sulfites for color retention or extending shelf life.

What are effect of osmosis on potato strips?

This depends on the concentration of the salt solution. If the water potential of the salt solution is greater (less concentrated) than the cell sap of the potato cells, water would move into the potato cells, increasing the size of the potato strip. If the water potential of the salt solution is lower (more concentrated) than the cell sap of the potato cells, water would move out of the potato cells in the salt solution, decreasing the size of the potato strip.

How do cells react in hypotonic solution?

Hypertonic solution: highly concentrated, therefore water exits the cell, attracted to the solution. Cell ends up deflated-looking.Hypotonic solution: not very concentrated, therefore water enters cell, attracted to the solution inside the cell. Cell ends up looking like it's going to burst (and actually can burst).

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How many ATP Molecules are in solution throughout the intracellular space in A Typical Cell?

The ATP concentration inside the cell is 1-10 mM.mM is also referred to as molarity, that is the amount of concentrated substance.

What happens if a cell is placed in a beaker containing isotonic solution?

well it would be that their is an equal amount of solution inside and outside the cell. it is neither hypotonic or hypertonic. it is balanced or equal.

If a cell contains 97 percent water is placed into a 30 percent sugar solution what will happen to the cell?

The sugar solution is a hypertonic solution so water from the inside will exit through the cell membrane via osmosis and the cell will shrivel

What would happen to your cell if a hypertonic solution was injected directly to your blood stream?

The cell will shrinks as the fluid inside the cell will flow out due to osmosis.