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Going from a bright area to a darker one means that not as much light is available for your eyes. The pupils will dilate (widen) to let in more of the available light, but even then your eyes may take a minute to adjust.

In very dim light, the cells in the retina that detect color (cones) will not function and other cells (rods) will begin to work, but these can only detect all frequencies at one time, and provide only black-and-white vision. Since the rods are normally deactivated in bright light, it can take awhile to achieve your best "night vision."

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14y ago

the pupils are contracted and when you go into the dark room your pupils take time to dilate or open, not enough light gets in your eyes to see and you are momentarily blind

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Q: What will happen when you enter a dark room after you've been in a bright room and what causes this?
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Why is phylogenetic classification more natural than a system based on characteristics such as medical usefulness or shape size and color of body structures?

youve got to know what your doing first of all thats the answer thaqnk you

What cause tiredness?

You probably don't get enough sleep. You need at least 8 hours of it.Many medications can cause drowsiness, as a side effect. One of the symptoms of depression, stress or anxiety can be fatigue or tiredness.

How many brain cells die when you sneeze?

About 17,000,000 brain cells die every time you sneeze. Does not sound like a lot but you sneeze a lot throughout your lifetime.

Are you having implantation bleeding if you are six days late for your period and experienced craming and now have a light brown discharge?

WHAT IS IMPLANTATION BLEEDING...WHAT DID YOU HAVE IMPLANTED.. IF THEY WERE BREASTS, NO THEY DONT CUT DEEP ENOUGH TO CAUSE INTERNAL BLEEDING. IF YOUVE HAD SOMETHING IMPLANTED IN YOUR VAGINA THEN YOU COULD POSSIBLE HAVE A BLOCKAGE SOMEWHERE AND IS CAUSING PROBLEMS...DONT WAIT GO TO YOUR DOCTOR ASAP. I am not replacing the above persons answer, but I have to say that I find it completely ignorant...obviously the person who posted the answer did not read the question....I apologize to whoever needed advice, and I hope that you can find the answer that you need. Sorry. i have sort of the same problem. my period came a week late and was very light , pink and i had cramping. im trying to find answers too. so far everything ive read sais that you can be either pregnant or having a light irregular period. i have taken tests and all have come up negative , but they always did for my other kids too. so iam going to take another test in a week if that neg too i will just wait and see what happens with my next period.if you think your prego get a blood test at your dr. or wait like me. hope this helps.

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