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Q: What will happened if you put an egg in mouthwash?
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What will happened if you put a appleorange and an egg in vinegar?

it will most likely fizz. but you should find out for yourself.

What will happen if you put mouthwash in your hair?

Gets rid of dandruff

What happened if egg is put into vinegar?

The shell is dissolved into the vinegar leaving the contents together in a thin membrane.

How do you clean mouthwash from a mattress cover?

Put it in the washer, add detergent, and run it.

Why would you put mouthwash in your hair?

It's good for decreasing natural oils in your hair.

When did Egg War happen?

Egg War happened in 1863.

When did Egg Venture happen?

Egg Venture happened in 1997.

When did Krypton Egg happen?

Krypton Egg happened in 1989.

Why does an egg fold if you put it in vinegar?

Why does an egg fold if you put it in vinegar?

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why put mouthwash in your hair when you could buy a product for the same price?

Name something you put in your mouth but do not swallow?

Gum Toothpaste Mouthwash Hard Candy / Sucker