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what lastes longer a hair on your head or a eyelash

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Q: What will last longer a piece of hair on your head or eyelashes?
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What is most likely to last longer hair on your head or eylashes?


Do eyelasher grow longer?

Yes. Eyelashes is hair, just like the hair on your arms, legs, and head, it grows longer. Some people's eyelashes take longer to grow than others.

Which lasts longer an eyelash or hair on your head?

Eyelashes, because they are shorter they fall out sooner

Does your hair or eyelashes grow faster?

Shave your head and pull your eyelashes out then find out.

Where do head lice live?

They live on your eyelashes or eyebrow or hair.

Do eyelashes turn grey?

no they do not. they dont have the same aging process as the hair on your head.

Are eyelashes hair?

Yes, they are. They have follicles, they have roots, and their cell structure is the same as hair.

Why scalp hair can grow longer than eyelash?

Eyelashes are meant to keep debris out of your eyes. If they were very long, you wouldn't be able to see through them. The hair on your head, on the other hand, was originally meant to help keep you warm (as in caveman days), and therefore, the longer it grew, the more it covered.

What are things people are most concerned about growing?

On a person's body, it would be:Female: hair on head, fingernails, eyelashes, breast size, sometimes muscle sizeMale: Facial hair, hair on head, sometimes body hair, penis size, muscle size

Did JFK wear a hair piece?

No, JFK did not have a toupee. He had a full head of hair.

Which is likely to last longer a hair on your head or one of youreyelash?

your eyelash

What is the piece of clothing Muslims wear on their head?

hijab. it covers head, hair, and neck.