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Your hermit crab cam go fast depending on the whieght of the shell on the hermit crab. If the shell is light the speed of the crab will increase, if the shell is heavy on the crab the speed will decrease.

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Q: What will make your hermit crab go fast?
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How far can a hermit crab go out?

a hermit crab can go all the way out of its shell to switch shells

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What kingdom does the crab go in?

The hermit crab is developed into the insect kingdom

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How do you make toys for hermit crabs?

(This works for MY hermit crab) Put a small spoon of peanut butter on a flat sea shell and they go nuts! they LOVE playing in it.

Can a land hermit crab survive underwater?

No they can go under for about a minute.

How you make a hermit crab put it's head in it's shell?

Dear Questioner, I do not have an account so you don't know me, but I am a hermit crab owner and own two hermit crabs (Taz and Brad). I love them! I did a lot of research on them and so I know a few things - including your question's answer. I found this out myself: To get a hermit crab to go back into its shell, place your hand in front of him/her. If the crab still will not give, raise him/her up in the air. One of mine is stubborn but will give to this. If your want it to go further, flip the hermit crab upside down and gently tap its big pincher. Hope this helps, Taz and Brad's Owner

Can you let a hermit crab go around your living room?

YES! they can be socialised

What animal could go in a tank with a hermit crab?

It's not recommended to keep different animals together, especially when they have such specific needs as a hermit crab (terrestrial). You can keep roly-poly bugs, or other species of hermit crabs safely.

Can hermit crabs die and turn into ghost?

No there is now way in the world that a hermit crab can die and turn into a ghost. . . nothing can do that. He might go to hermit crab heaven Maybe you are a strange polytheist, and maybe THEN hermit crabs die and turn into ghosts....or maybe they are the ghosts in the mario games......

What is it called when a crab grows a new pincer?

When a hermit crab grows it's called molting, they go underground for months to molt.

How do hermit crabs urinate?

Hermit crabs do not 'go to the bathroom'. In other words hermit crabs DO NOT POO. I have had hermit crabs, and I know they definitely don't poo. Hermit crabs use all the energy and nutrients from their food and turn it into vitamins for the body. Hermit crabs are great pets, as there is no stinky poo to clean out!!!