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Q: What will prevent latias from running?
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What moves prevent pokemons from escaping in pokemonemerald?

scary face golbat and zubat can know it hah trying to keep latios or latias from running away

How do you get latias without it running?

Show it your penis

How do you lower latias's health with out it running first?

Try teaching a fast Pokemon Mean Look.

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How do i stop latias from running away MEAN LOOK?

don't worry i found da answer, i realized taht its because my Pokemon had slow speed! that's why latias was fleeing before i evern attacked!

Where is the beats place to catch latias in sapphire?

latias is running everywhere all over the game, so u just have to be lucky. same thing with lendgondary dogs on firered/leafgreen or lengondary lake Pokemon on diamond

How do you get Latias to stop fleeing without master ball?

Get someone that knows a move like mean look that will prevent the opponent from escaping.

Can latias evolve?

No, Latias does not evolve

What can you to to prevent running injury?

Wear properly fitting running shors.

Where is latias in explorers of darkness?

to get latias in darkness is that you need the item secret slab or mystery part just to get latias and you get latias in 10f special rift

How do you catch latias without a masterball?

Use something like mean look to keep it from running, then catch it like you normally catch a legendary.

What region is Latias from in Pokemon?

Latias is from the Hoenn reigon.