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Edward and Bella's part werewolf, part vampire, part human baby. Also Bella as a vampire!

I recommend you read the book!

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Q: What will you see in Breaking Dawn part 1?
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Is Dakota Fanning in Breaking Dawn?

She will not be in part 1, but you can see her in part 2

Is billy black in breaking dawn part 2?

yes he is he was in breaking dawn part 1 why wouldn't he be part 2 of breaking dawn

Will they be Breaking Dawn part 3 out?

No there is only part 1 and 2 of breaking dawn

When is Breaking Dawn realisng?

Breaking Dawn part 1: November 2011 Breaking Dawn part 2: November 2012

What is the name of twilight's fourth movie?

The fourth movie in the Twilight film series is called "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1."

When is breaking dawn part 2 coming out on DVD?

That has not been determined since Breaking Dawn part 2 is not in theaters yet. My best guess is Summer 2013. You can see Breaking Dawn part 2 in theater this November! (I'm so excited!) Breaking Dawn part 1 is out on DVD though.

Is there breasts in breaking dawn?

No there are not boobs in Breaking Dawn part 1

Are they making a movie for Breaking Dawn?

They are currently making Breaking Dawn part 2. However Breaking Dawn part 1 is already a movie.

When is the Breaking Dawn film out?

Breaking Dawn Part 1: November 11th, 2011 Breaking Dawn Part 2: November 16th, 2012

Is there going to be a Breaking Dawn part 2?

yes. there is going to be a breaking dawn part 1 and 2.

What part of Breaking Dawn the book will be in part 1 the movie?

How are we meant to know until we see the movie ?????