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Q: What wind changes direction with the seasons?
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What is the wind that changes direction with the seasons?


What is any wind changes direction with the seasons?

its called a monsoon

What does the word monsoonal mean?

it means any wind that changes the direction in the seasons

Any wind that changes direction with the seasons?

A wind that changes direction with the seasons is known as a seasonal wind or monsoon. Monsoons are characterized by a reversal in wind direction due to differential heating and cooling of land and sea surfaces. They typically bring heavy rainfall during one season and dry conditions during another, impacting various regions around the world, such as South Asia and parts of Africa.

What is the prevailing wind direction in New Orleans?

The prevailing wind direction in New Orleans is typically from the south or southeast due to its location along the Gulf Coast. However, wind patterns can vary depending on weather systems and local conditions.

What is a wind system that changes its direction seasonly?


What is average wind direction in NE Ohio in all seasons?

In Northeast Ohio the wind is typically from the north or the west.

What winds shift direction with the seasons and create wet and dry periods?

which wind system reverses its direction seasonally

What is the process that changes the direction of winds?

Wind blows from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. Changes in wind direction would be a result in changes in air pressure due to factors such as altitude and temperature. Another thing that changes the direction of the wind is known as the coriolis effect, which causes winds in each hemisphere to curve. This effect is a result of Earth's rotation.

What do you call the wind of a tropical climate that has two seasons?

Tropical climates have two seasons, the wet season and the dry season. The monsoon is a seasonal change in wind direction in those types of climates.

What is monsoon's population?

A monsoon is a wind that changes direction with change of season

What is the prevailing wind direction in spring TX?

The answer changes everyday. It is based on the weather.