

What woman changed the world by refusing to get off a bus?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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I think you're talking about Rosa Parks, and she didn't refuse to get off the bus, she refused to take a seat in the back of the bus which was designated for blacks.

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Q: What woman changed the world by refusing to get off a bus?
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Rosa parks important to American history?

Rosa Parks was a very intelligent woman who was brave, had backbone< and stood her ground for the seat on the bus. She changed the world in a day. Her refusalto move out of that bus seat made us who we are today

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What did Rosa Parks do after she changed history?

i think she change the world by gaving a white man her seat in the bus

Did Rosa Parks stop the mistreatment of African Americans?

She helped with the first step by refusing to move her seat on an empty bus for a white man. This was the start of a year long bus boycott organized by a little known minister named Martin Luther King. With her bravery and arrest she changed the face of a nation.

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Rosa Parks was arrest for refusing to surrender her seat to a white person sparked the Montgomery bus boycott

What is one thing Rosa parks did that changed the world?

One thing Rosa Parks did that changed the world was refusing to give up her seat on a segregated bus in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955. Her act of defiance sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott, which played a significant role in the civil rights movement and led to the eventual desegregation of public transportation in the United States.

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A cause of the montgomery bus boycott was Rosa Parks refusing to move on the segregated buses and an effect was that buses became unsegregated

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whatv do you call the manor woman who collects fares on bus

Of Rosa Park's life an accomplishments?

Nothing other than refusing to give up her seat on a bus. I could've done that.

What was the date that Rosa parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on the bus to a white ma?

december 4th 1955

What Rosa Parks did that was heroic?

She defied the South's Jim Crow Laws, by refusing to give up her seat and sit in the back of the bus.

Who sparked the successful Montgomery bus boycott?

Rosa parks by sitting and refusing to move for a white man and even going to jail