

What wood is used for a banjo?

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7y ago

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The most common woods used in banjo pot construction are maple, mahogany, ash, and cherry. Walnut and koa are sometimes used. Fingerboards are usually rosewood or ebony.

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Q: What wood is used for a banjo?
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Is there a banjo that comes with a built in pickup?

A Banjo does have a built in pickups. The pickups can be built into the frets and the body of the banjo. A pickup is used to plug the banjo into a system to amplified the sound.

What is the banjo used for?

The banjo is used for EVERY sort of music. It is especially common in Folk, Country, and Bluegrass. The banjo is also very popular in dixieland bands, Jazz-Danny Barker, rock-(the Eagles used a banjo in MANY of their songs,) Christian-Gregor, and even POP!

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How can wood and matel process?

World famous musical instrument, Banjo is made up of wood and metal processed together. Copper metal is used in this case because it is the metal that vibrates the most. All metals are good conductors of heat and electricity.

Is a banjo considered a percussion instrument?

No. It is considered a string instrument. The banjo can be used to some percussive extents, by beating on the body of the banjo with hands, fingers, or picks.

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a banjo is the answer to this question

What was the banjo used for?

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