

What word begins with bi and means happening twice yearly?

Updated: 8/14/2021
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Q: What word begins with bi and means happening twice yearly?
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What word means twice every year?


2 x yearly?

semi-annually - happening every half year bi-annual - coming twice a year NOT biennial - happening every two years

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The probability is 0.0198. The probability of that happening twice is 0.000393 Is this the odds of it happening twice with the same number?

The prefix word bi coming twice a year?

The prefix "bi-" means occurring twice in a given period. Therefore, a word that signifies happening twice a year could be "biannual."

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Biannual Bi meaning 2 and annual meaning yearly

Is bi a prefix or suffix?

Bi is a prefix, so it is always at the begining of the word. It means : two -either happening twice in a period of time or happening once in two years, for instance. E.g. bi -monthly, biennal, bipolar, binoculars, etc.

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Tri-Yearly, although the term sounds clumsy. Twice yearly is semiannually but there is no corresponding construct for thrice.

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Mieosis takes place twice. Mitosis takes place only once

Is the word TWICE a preposition?

No, the word "twice" is not a preposition. "Twice" is an adverb that indicates a frequency or occurrence of something happening two times.