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Purple (nurple is slang, so it doesn't count)

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Orange, Purple, Silver

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Q: What word cannot be rhymed?
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What is a four letter animal word that cannot be rhymed?


What 4 letter animal word cannot be rhymed?

"Wolf" is probably what you're looking for.

Four letter animal word that cannot be rhymed?

One four letter animal that does not rhyme with any words is wolf.

A four letter animal word that cannot be rhymed?

bird, goat, toad, frog, lamb, bull, deer, puma, crow, bear, duck, and fish

Is there a word that can't be rhymed with?

While there isn't a word that absolutely cannot be rhymed with, some words are more challenging to find rhymes for due to their unique sounds or structures. It often requires creativity and flexibility in pronunciation to find suitable rhymes for such words.

Is the word cheese is rhymed to the word kiss?

No. However, "swiss" is a type of cheese that rhymes with "kiss."

How do you spell fu?

The word "fu" is Chinese for "luck" or a form of rhymed literature. It appears in given names and surnames, and in the names of Martial Arts.

What is a rhymed poem?

A rhymed poem is a type of poetry in which the lines end with words that have similar sounds, creating a pattern of rhymes. This adds a musical quality to the poem and can make it more memorable to the reader. Rhymed poems often follow specific rhyme schemes, such as AABB or ABAB.

What is it called when a poet places rhyming word at the end of each line in a poem?

A poem or a rhyming poem or a rhymed poem.

What rhymed with gershanick?


What is patafran The Three Stooges said add a can of patafran what is it?

Patrafan is a nonsense word which was used for the scene because it rhymed and sounded funny.

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