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acid-base indicators

for all pHs: universal indicator

for pH testing in general: indicator

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4d ago

The word you are looking for is "indicator." Indicators are substances that change color in response to changes in acidity or alkalinity in a solution.

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Q: What word describes chemicals which change colour in acids and alkalis?
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What substance like litmus will change colour in acids and alkalis?

Red cabbage juice can change color in acids and alkalis, turning red in acids and blue or green in alkalis. This is due to a pigment called anthocyanin that reacts with hydrogen ions in acidic solutions and hydroxide ions in alkaline solutions, causing a color change.

What colour do alkalis turn universal indicator?

Alkalis turn universal indicator blue or purple.

Does Neutral mean safe?

Not really. On the pH scale of Acids and Alkalis, Neutral is the green colour at which a liquid is neither Acid nor Alkalis.

What color do alkalis turn universal indicator?

Alkalis turn universal indicator blue or purple in color.

What colour does red litmus paper change when in pool water?

Blue!! Because pool water is alkaline and alkalis turn red litmus paper into blue.

If you add alkali to water what colour would the water be?

Alkalis are bases dissolved in water. They do not have specific colours and are often colourless liquids.Indicators are used to determine the strength of an acid or alkali and change colour when exposed to the liquid.Look at Universal Indicator Solution.

What colour does alkali turn in cabbage?

Alkali turns red cabbage juice blue or purple due to a chemical reaction with anthocyanins in the cabbage. This color change can be used as a natural pH indicator.

When something changes colour when mixed with water is it a physical or chemical property?

If something changes color when mixed with water, it is typically a physical property. It could be due to interactions between the substance and water molecules, but the chemical composition of the substance remains the same.

Why do indicators change colors?

Indicators change colors to signal a shift in a particular condition or state. This color change helps individuals quickly and easily understand the status or result being conveyed without needing to interpret detailed information.

What is the difference between hypothesis and prediction?

A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon based on observations or evidence, usually framed as a statement that can be tested. A prediction, on the other hand, is a specific forecast of what will happen in a particular situation based on a hypothesis or prior knowledge. In essence, a hypothesis is an educated guess about the relationship between variables, while a prediction is a statement about the outcome of an event.

What colour is litmus paper when it is alkalis?

Either baby blue(light blue), dark blue or dark purple. :)

Is there more than one indicator that changes colour in acids or alkalis?

No, many types of color indicators are known.