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Q: What word do Arabs use to refer to the countries of Morocco Algeria and Tunisia?
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What do Arabs use to refer to the countries of morocco Algeria and Tunisia?


Do Arabs speak French?

Some Arabs may speak French, as it is one of the official languages in many Arab countries due to historical colonization. However, not all Arabs speak French, as Arabic is the primary language in most Arab countries.

Where do people in africa live?

We live in the bush. We also have elephants and lions are pets. We hunt for our food and we no modern technology at all. Seriously? how is this a question... We live in houses.

What are Syrians people physical features?

Syrian people are descendent from Assyrian empire people mixed with Arabs, turks and roman empire. They are not dark and not completely white. This mixing gave the Syrian people their special characteristics. We are lighter than Egyptian and we are very similar to turks and most Mediterranean countries like Spanish and Portuguese and little lighter than Arabs from north Africa like Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. Syria is the land of birth of all ancient civilizations

What are the similarities between Tunisia and Morocco?

Both countries are found in North Africa. Both countries speak Arabic. Both countries main religion is Islam. Most of the population in both countries are Arabs. Most Muslims are Sunni. Use camels in the desert, veeery useful!

What countries are considered Arabs?

1: Kuwait (Kuwait) 2: Iraq (Bagdad) 3: Kingdom of Sudia Arabia (Riyadh) 4: Bahrain (Manama) 5: Qatar (Doha) 6: United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi) 7: Oman (Mascut) 8: Yemen (Sana'a) 9: Jordan (Amman) 10: Palstine (Jerusalem) 11: Lebanon (Beirut) 12: Syria (Damascus) 13: Egypt (Cairo) 14: Sudan (Khartum) 15: Djuboti (Djuboti) 16: Libya (Tripoli) 17: Tunisia (Tunis) 18: Algeria (Alger) 19: Morocco (Rabat) 20: Muritaniya (Nowakshot) 21: Comoros (Moroni)

Where did the Africans called Arabs live?

African Arabs are located mostly in North Africa. Arab governments are found right from Morocco and Algeria, as far east as Egypt. Arabs also live in the Middle East. To find out more, I'd recommend viewing the Related link below: It has very good illustrations showing where Arabic countries have been set up and talks about Arab history.

Why do many Berber people speak French?

Many Berber people speak French due to the historical influence of French colonization in North Africa. French was the administrative and educational language during the colonial period, leading to its widespread use among the Berber population. Additionally, French is an official language in many countries where Berber populations reside, further contributing to its prevalence among Berber speakers.

What group took control of North Africa after the Roman Empire crumbled?

During the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire the Vandals and the Alans migrated to Africa from Spain and occupied northern Morocco in 435. They then moved to Tunisia and formed the Kingdom of the Vandals in northern Tunisia and eastern Algeria. The various peoples in Northern Morocco, western Algeria, southern Tunisia and western Libya became independent. Eastern Libya and Egypt continued to be under the eastern part of the Roman Empire (which outlasted the western part and which historians call Byzantine Empire) until 639--42 when they were invaded by the Arabs, who then conquered the whole of North Africa.

Why is Africa all the black country?

Africa is NOT a country but a continent which has about 53 countries... up today. Incidentally, Africa is NOT ALL black at all. All the countries facing the Mediterranean sea: Morocco, Tunisia, Libia, Algeria, and Egypt are considered inhabited by Arabs, therefore, Caucasian people. Their features in fact are smooth or undulated hair, bridge nose and pointing nose, small lips, lighter skin and lighter thickness of the cranial bones and DNA. I didnt take in consideration the migration of Caucasian to various countries in Africa mainly South Africa.

What are the major ethnic groups Algeria?

The main ethnic groups in Algeria are the Berbers, Romans, Byzantines, Phoenicians, Turks, Arabs, and Sub-Saharan Africans. Berbers are the original inhabitants of Algeria.

The people from Tunisia North Africa are black Arabs or white?

They are Caucasians (whites), the majority of them are Arabs and Berbers, who are whites or Caucasians