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The word hospital typically refers to an institution where people receive medical treatment. There are no categorical antonyms for this word.

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Curtis Strite

Lvl 13
4y ago
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pratanu banerjee

Lvl 4
4y ago

House can be regarded as the opposite of hospital. The reason is that house is the place where people live and hospital is the place where people get medical treatment.

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Tara Park

Lvl 2
2y ago

Someone answered this:

"The word hospital typically refers to an institution where people receive medical treatment. There are no categorical antonyms for this word." But left out that it is too recurve lexical treatment for illness and disease and injuries.

The opposite of illness is wellness.

So, I'd say a Spa is the opposite of a Hospital. People use spas when they're healthy in order to feel luxurious. That's not something ill people really experience while being treated for disease. Oftentimes disease treatment is quite painful instead of luxurious.

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Wiki User

13y ago

There is no antonym, or opposite word, for hospital.

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Lvl 8
2y ago

There isn't really that's the opposite of a hospital. But being in the hospital means your injured. So, an opposite of that is healthy.

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JamesTDG PF01

Lvl 7
4y ago

A hospidtal is a place of medical assistance, I think a man-slaughter house would be the only one close to being an anonym of hospital.

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JamesTDG PF01

Lvl 7
4y ago

A hospital is a place of medical assistance, I think a man-slaughter house would be the only one close to being an anonym of hospital.

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Braxton Rogers

Lvl 2
4y ago

An asylum....

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Lvl 5
4y ago

Cemetery LOL

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Lvl 1
4y ago

Torture Chamber.

The word hospital refers to an institution that provides care and treatment for aliments. The word comes into English in the 13th century roughly meaning guest-house, or a shelter for the needy; with an emphasis on hospitality.

Therefore, Cemetery/Mortuary are not very good antonyms. We need a word that makes its' guests more uncomfortable/sickly.

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Lvl 1
4y ago

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