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Q: What word means pertaining to the physical and chemical processes occurring in cells?
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What word means pertaining to the physical and chemical occurring in cells?


Who was the first scientist who discovered chemical and physical processes?

Unknown; the knowledge of the chemical and physical processes are very old.

What are minerlas in geology?

A mineral is a naturally occurring solid chemical substance that is formed through geological processes and that has a characteristic chemical composition, a highly ordered atomic structure, and specific physical properties.

What are naturally occurring physical and ecological processes?

Evaporation of water, melting of rocks in volcanoes, melting of ice etc. are natural physical processes.

Is processes a physical or chemical property?

A process is not a property; and a process may be physical or chemical.

What does chemical and physical processes include?

Physical processes: melting, boiling, grinding, sieving, vaporization, deposition, etc. Chemical processes: polymerization, oxidation, reduction, chemical reactions, thermal degradation, dissociation, etc.

Is freeze-drying a physical property or a chemical property?

i would think physical, unless there is a chemical change occurring..... :)

Is the decomposing of a solution physical or chemical?

Decomposing of a chemical compound is a chemical change. But decantation, filtration, centrifugation are physical processes.

Are pop cans a physical or chemical change?

Pop cans are produced by physical processes.

Can anyone summarise the physical processes long answers needed please?

Physical processes is changes that can be seen from the eye. These changes affecting the form of a chemical substance but does not change its chemical composition.

Is exothermic a physical or a chemical change?

It can be either. Some exothermic processes, such as combustion, are chemical changes while others, such as condensation, are physical.

Which of the following processes involves both physical and chemical changes?

Digestion of foods is chemical and physical (mechanical).