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Q: What word means to eat like an animal?
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What word means to eat like animal?

i don't think there is one, but just the phrase to "eat like a horse"

What is the English translation of the Spanish word 'como'?

Como is a Spanish word which means as or like.¿Cómo? means How?------------Or, "como" also means "I eat," from the infinitive "comer," "to eat."como means how.

Does the word vegan and vegetarian have the same meaning?

Vegetarian means that you won't eat any meat (beef, fish, chicken strips, etc), but you will eat things like eggs, cheese, drink milk, etc. Vegan means that you will not eat any animal products meat or otherwise.

What is word used for purifing a dead animal?

If you are referring to the Jewish method of purifying an animal after slaughter so that it is fit to eat, it is called "kashering." This means making the animal kosher.

What do animals do wild animals eat?

it depends on the animal. The animal can be herbivore which means they only eat plants and vegetation like for example a giraffe. Or the animal can be a Carnivore meaning they eat meat like a lion. Or an Omnivore which means they eat both plants and meat.Almost anything - berries, fruit, grass, insects, each-other ! It depends on the individual species.

What do ligias eat?

There is no such animal (or English word as) "ligias".

What does it mean when a animal consumes water?

consume means to eat/drink so it just means the animal is having a drink

What do non animal-like protists eat?

Non animal like protist don;t eat , they absorb or synthesize food .

What does the word maneater mean?

It means that a carnivore, like a bear or lion, likes to prey on and eat humans.

What is a word root that means eat?

The root is ed as in inedible.

What are carnivores and herbivores?

Carnivores are animals that primarily eat meat or the flesh of other animals, while herbivores are animals that primarily eat plants or plant-based materials. Carnivores have adapted physical characteristics such as sharp teeth and claws to hunt and consume meat, while herbivores have evolved digestive systems specialized for breaking down plant material.

What animal does cows eat?

Cows don't eat animals. They are herbivores, which means they eat strictly plants, not animals.