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Q: What word that starts with z means eager interest in something?
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What means zelous?

I believe you meant zealous. It is an adjective, and means to be full of zeal. Zeal means to have an eager interest in pursuit of something.

What does zelous means?

I believe you meant zealous. It is an adjective, and means to be full of zeal. Zeal means to have an eager interest in pursuit of something.

What word means eager interest?


What kind of a person would be eager to do something?

eager means really wants an eager person really wants to do something and get it done

What does most mean?

It means very eager to do something.

What does most willing mean?

It means very eager to do something.

What does enthusiastic and apathetic mean?

Enthusiastic means having a lot of excitement and interest in something, while apathetic means showing no interest or enthusiasm at all.

Distinguish between the meaning anxious and eager?

Eager means have a great desire for something, while anxious means worried or tense. An example of a sentence using both words would be... He was eager to know the exam results but anxious incase he had failed.

What means enthusiastic?

having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval. Basically feeling really happy or excited.

Difference between anxious and eager?

Anxious is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome. Eager is a feeling of enthusiasm, anticipation, or readiness to do or experience something. Anxious tends to be more negative and tied to worry, while eager is more positive and tied to excitement.

What does gung ho means in English?

The phrase "gung ho" in English means to be eager, excited or enthusiastic about something. It can also mean to be dedicated or fanatic about something.

What is the idiomatic meaning of an eager beaver?

If you call someone an eager beaver it means they are busy/enthusiastic/keen in doing something. Just as beavers are when building their dam.