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Turn, burn,

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Q: What words are spelled with urn?
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What rhymes with urn?

Some words that rhyme with urn include fern, spurn, and churn.

What words can be spelled from letters in lunch?

Very few words can be spelled with the letters lunch. Hun is one of the words that can be spelled with those letters.

How many lobbies does it take to make a full urn in runescape?

Forty lobsters are required to fill a cooking urn, forty-four lobsters are required to fill a strong cooking urn, and sixty-five lobsters are required to fill a decorated cooking urn. Lobsters will fill 2.53% of the urn when used with a cooking urn, fill 2.29% of the urn when used with a strong cooking urn, and fill 1.55% of the urn when used with a decorated cooking urn. Lobsters cannot be used with a cracked cooking urn or a fragile cooking urn.

What words are spelled from the letters in marmalade?

Words that can be spelled using letters from "marmalade" are:AlarmedArmadaMadameMeddlerRammedAlarmArmedDreamMedalRealmAreaDealDearDramLameLardLearMadeMareMealReadRealArmEarElmLadMadMedRamRed

What words have a long I sound spelled with an A?

There are words from French spelled with an AY, such as bayou and cayenne.

What is difference between phonetically spelled words and correctly spelled words?

A phonetically spelled word is when you spell it the way it sounds. For example, "through" would be "thru". A correctly spelled word is when it is spelled as it is found in the dictionary.

Are the words Lamb's and Sheep's spelled with an apostrophe?

No they are not spelled with an apostrophe.

What is written on the ashes urn?

When Ivo goes back with the urn, the urn;Studds, Steel, Read and Tylecote return, return;The welkin will ring loud,The great crowd will feel proud,Seeing Barlow and Bates with the urn, the urn;And the rest coming home with the urn.

What words can be spelled just by using home row?

Words that can be spelled from the letters in 'home row' are:hehemherherohewhohoehomehowmemeowmewmoomoormoremowmowerohororeoweroeroomrowshowwewhowhorewoewooworeworm

What does URN mean in text?

lets see URN= you are in

Marcus spelled 20 out of 25 words correctly Which faction of the words did he spell correctly Which faction of the words that he spelt incorrectly Raytee equivalent fractions for each?

If Marcus spelled 20 out of 25 words correctly then he spelled 80% of the words correctly.

Is TURN a word with the vowel sound of U?

Yes, the word "turn" has the vowel sound of "er" as in "her" and not the vowel sound of "U" as in "mud."