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The only ones I can think of are weird and science.

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receive, deceive and perceive.

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Q: What words break the 'I before E except after C' rule?
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What is the i before e except after c rule?

The rule "i before e except after c" is a basic spelling guideline in English that states that words tend to follow the pattern of having "ie" when the letter 'i' comes before 'e', except after the letter 'c' where the pattern changes to 'ce'. However, there are many exceptions to this rule in English where 'ei' is used even after 'c', such as in the words "weird" and "seize".

What is the answer to the puzzle IBE except AC?

I Before E Except After C - This is a rule in English when spelling words such as believe versus receive

When does I come before E?

Contrary to popular belief, the rule "I before E except after C" is broken more often than not. There are more exceptions than there are words that follow the rule. It was abolished in 2009.

What is the rule you after e except after c?

it's I before E except after C .

What is the full you I before E rule?

I before E except after C

WHAT IS THE you before e rule?

The "i before e except after c" rule is a spelling guideline that states that in English words, the letter 'i' should come before 'e' except after the letter 'c'. However, there are many exceptions to this rule in English language.

What comes after I before E except after c?

The rule is "I before E except after C, or when sounded like A as in neighbor and weigh."

What is the rule for the e and i in spelling?

i before e except after c.

Is there a sentence for you before e except after c?

Yes, the rule is "i before e, except after c, or when sounded like 'a' as in neighbor and weigh." However, there are numerous exceptions to this rule in the English language.

What are the exceptions to the U before E except after C rule?

It's actually: I before E except after C. Words like 'believe', 'fierce', 'conceive', and 'receipt' all follow this rule. An exception would be words such as 'weird' and 'neighbour' which are 'ei' without a prior 'c'. The other exceptions are words like 'species' and 'sufficient' which are 'ie' following a 'c'. See related links for some more and information about them.

Words where i before e except after c doesn't apply?

There are common exceptions to the rule "i before e except after c." Some examples include: weird, science, seize, efficient, and protein.

Why does the I before E except after C rule not apply for Caffeine and Sleigh?

Because there are exceptions to that rule. The whole rule is actually "I before E except after C, or when spoken like ay as in neighbor and weigh".More information from the Related link:* The rule only applies to digraphs, so words like "deity" and "science" don't count. * The rule "i before e except after c" should be extended to include "except when said 'ay' as in 'neighbor' and 'weigh'". * The rule only applies to digraphs that have the /i:/ ('ee') pronunciation, as in 'piece'. (Note the conflict between this and the previous item.) * The rule doesn't apply to words that are recent imports from foreign languages, such as "gneiss", "dreidel", and "enceinte". * The rule doesn't apply to the large number of plurals of words ending in "cy" ("fallacies", "frequencies", "vacancies", ... ) because in the UK - in traditional RP - "cies" is pronounced with the "i" of "pin", even though it is pronounced with the "ee" of "feed" by most World-English speakers and by younger UK speakers.