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Quite a few:
ee as in bee
e as in emasculate

ea as in speaker
y as in factory
ie as in newbie
i as in spumoni

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14y ago
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14y ago

Sleep, beep, creep, keep, feet, tweet, beet, meet, sweet, peel

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Q: What words contain the long e sound?
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Which of these words have a long e sound manuever precede magistrate?

Only one of the words mentioned has a long e sound. The word with the long E sound is precede.

What words have a a short e sound and long e sound?


Does pet have a long E sound?

No. It has a short E sound, as in the words bet, get, and set. The word with the long E sound is "peat."

What letter do you add to the word bet to make a long e sound?

You can add either an E or an A after the E to get a long E sound. The words beet and beatare homophones (sound-alike words).

Does pry have a long e sound?

The word pry does not have the long e sound. It does have a long i sound though. Some other words like that are why, shy, and guy. There are other words where the y does have the long e sound, like candy or sandy.

Does east have a long e or short a vowel sound?

It is a long E sound as in the words least and feast.

Does meadows have a long or short e sound?

The word 'meadow' has a short E sound in the first syllable. It also has a long O sound in the second syllable. Some examples of other words where the EA pair have the short e sound are bread, death, and sweat. However, most words with EA together do have a long e sound. For example, the words bead and meal have a long E sound.

Does be have a long e sound?

Yes. The word be has a long E sound, as in the homophone word "bee." Other two-letter long E words are be, he, me, and we.

How do you determine the long e sound?

The long E sound comes from a number of vowels and vowel pairs, and "says the name" of the letter E (ee). The exception is that words with an R-shaped (ear) sound are not technically long E words, and are represented by a caret I.

Does reason have a long e sound?

Yes. The EA in reason has a long E sound, as in the rhyming words season and treason.

Does the words leash and goose have the long e sound?

Leash does have the long e sound, as if it were spelled leesh, but goose does not. Goose has a silent e sound, as if it were spelled goos.

Does the word share contain a long vowel sound?

The AYR sound (caret A) in share contains the long A sound (ay), but has a secondary sound. The E is silent.