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Most words spelled with -ear have a long E sound called a caret I, which sounds like "ear" as in fear, gear, and hear. It is also heard in words such as beer and pier.

A few have the long A sound called a caret A, which sounds like "air" as in fare and fair. These are bear, pear, swear, wear, and tear (rip).

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Q: What words have a long 'ear' sound?
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How do you determine the long e sound?

The long E sound comes from a number of vowels and vowel pairs, and "says the name" of the letter E (ee). The exception is that words with an R-shaped (ear) sound are not technically long E words, and are represented by a caret I.

Does deer have a long e sound?

Not technically. You can hear the long E in words like deer and dear, but because of the R, it has a different vowel sound (the "ear" or ee-ur sound). This is called a caret I sound.

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Does near have a long e sound?

Not technically. Although the letter E can be heard, the sound is R-shaped and is indicated by a caret I. Most caret I words have an "ear" sound.

Is earn a short ear sound?

yes earn is a short ear sound if it was long it would sound like an E in the beginning

Does hear have a long e sound?

Not technically. The EA pair produces a long E, but it is shaped by the R. This is called a caret I sound and includes all the words that have the "ear" double sound, including the homophone "here."

Does great have a long a sound?

Yes. It is a word that has the EA pronounced as a long A (as in grate), as well as the words steak and break (stake, brake). The other words are -ear words pronounced as "air" (caret A).

Does engineer have a long e sound?

No. There is a short E at the start. And although the EE makes the sound of the letter E (normally a long E), the sound is R-controlled and is indicated by a caret I. Most caret I words have an "ear" (îr) sound.

Does ear have short e sound?

No, it is not a long E or short E. It is an R-shaped sound called a caret I. It does have the sound of a long E, but it is has another "ur" sound as well.

Is indeed is a word with a long e?

Yes it is a short e is the sound made when you say words such as, cherry, ferry, tear.I long is is made from words like, fear, chear, ear, free, me, he, we

Which part of the ear determines the pitch of a sound?

The pitch of a sound is determined long before it reaches a person's ear, and for that matter, even if it never impinges on a single ear.

What words have a long a sound spelled as ea?

The long A words are break, steak, and great.There are several -ear words but they are R-shaped or caret A words:bear (and bearing, forebear), pear, swear, tear (verb), wear (and footwear)