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The term that you're looking for is endangered. When something endangered it is at risk of being extinct.

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Q: What words means the same as endangered?
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Does endangered and threatened mean the same thing?

no it does not mean the same thing because endangered means about to be extinct while threatened means on the verge to be endangered see they are both steps to being extinct but one is closer then the other

Does endangered mean the same thing like extinct?

No, endangered means almost extinct and extinct simply means there are non left Of that species- rare

Are chimpanzees endangered or protected?

They are endangered which means that they are legally protected.

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Why are they called endangered bird?

Endangered means not many left of the species.

What word means words having the same meaning?

Synonyms are two or more words that have the same meaning.

What do we call words that means the same thing?

Words that mean the same thing are called synonyms.

What are other words that have the same sound?

Homonyms are two words that are spelled the same and sound the same but have different meanings. The word "homonym" comes from the prefix "hommo," which means the same, and the suffix "-nym," which means name.

What is the difference between extinct and endangered?

Extinct means its gone forever. endangered means there are only a few left

How are the words extinct and endangered alike and how are they different?

The word extinct means no longer in existence, in reference to an animal species that has completely died out. endangered means that an animal species has a very small, and/or possibly threatened population. they are similar in that they are both in reference to animal species population count.

What does the suffix -phone mean in homophone?

The suffix -phone in homophone comes from the Greek word "phone," which means sound or voice. In this context, it refers to words that sound the same but have different meanings or spellings.

What does it means to be endangered whales?

An endangered animal, whether it is a whale or a horse means that there are not that many of the species left. This means that they are close to dying out completely and becoming extinct