

What works better to pass a urine test for marijuana?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Not doing drugs.

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Q: What works better to pass a urine test for marijuana?
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Don't use marijuana.

How can you pass a Urine drug test at a methadone clinic Wednesday for marijuana?

Easy, they don't generally care about marijuana at methadone maintenance clinics.

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As long as you have sex with it first.

Can you pass urine after marijuana?

If you're asking whether you can pass a drug-test after smoking pot - the answer is no ! It stays in your system for weeks - perhaps months !

If you smoked marijuana for the first time 3 weeks ago will you pass a urine test?

More than likely.

Can you pass a urine test smoking bayou blaster?

Yes. Bayou Blaster is a type of synthetic marijuana( which doesn't contain THC) so you can pass a urine test or any other type of drug testing.

Is there any way to speed up the process of getting marijuana out of your system to pass a urine test?

No. It is in the fat and hair cells. If you want to pass a test don't use.

Does Knox gelatin clear out your system of marijuana?

No. However it can help you pass a drug test. Your supposed to take it an hour before and it will coat your urine and you'll pass, but your urine will be clear causing suspicion, so u need to take vitamin B after ingesting to put color in your urine.

Does a marijuana home urine test fail if you put anything else than urine on it cause I was thinking if i just put a drop of water on it instead of my urine?

Yes .. To pass a test just drink 2 gallons of water a day for 4 days . You should pass your drug test .

How can you pass a urine test if you use marijuana daily?

You can't. Posting any suggestions on how to pass is illegal, by the way. So don't do it. I second the person above me, theres no way, your system is dead inside exactly what is there to show? Hope you dont use marijuana