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Q: What would Germany have to do in order to increase the size of its Empire?
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respiration rate would increase in order to blow off co2

Why did relations between Britain and Germany grow worse from 1900-1914?

Germany wanted an empire like Britain and France had. Unfortunately, Britain and France owned over half of the world between them and Britain also had the world's best navy, so Germany would have to both increase the size of its navy and fight Britain and France for colonial possessions. This damaged relations

Why would Germany USSR Ottoman Empire and Austro-Hungarian Empire have lost land after first world war?

because they lost, except USSR who withdrew.

What was the population of Germany in 1914?

67.79 million at mid-year within the frontiers of the then Empire. Today's smaller Germany would have contained around 52 million.

Would the Austro-Hungarian Empire go to war without the help of Germany?

i dont no im asking you the question

What would have happened if Germany succeeded in taking over the Dardanelle Straits?

During World War I, Germany did in fact control the Dardanelles Strait, if only through its ally, the Ottoman Empire. Control of this narrow strip of water and surrounding areas was crucial for Germany and the Ottoman Empire in their attempt to prevent a link-up between the Allies through the heart of the Ottoman Empire itself.

What countries did Germany own after the Battle of Britain?

The British empire remained intact after the Battle of Britain but only because Germany changed their tactics and attacked Russia instead. If Britain had lost the entire British empire would have fallen under German control.

If a country started to create an empire would they be stopped?

Probably. That's basically what Germany and Japan tried to do in the 30s and 40s when we intervened.

Where did the visogoths come from?

The [Visigoths] were a tribe of germanic peoples from the Holy Roman Empire (the unified German states). So your answer would be Germany.

Send Love to Germany with Beautiful Flowers - Order Now?

germany, as in holocaust? hell no, boi. but beautiful flowers would be nice, to the people who are suffering, but GERMANY? hard to forgive.

What are the steps of the schlieffen plan in order?

Germany would invade France quickly then head to russia