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Summer They would probably wear something fairly simple and girlie A flowery dress in a pastel colour that fell just on their knee would be perfect. A full skirt was fashionable at the time but the skirts were not as big as they were in the 50's or 60's. Maybe a plain white apron over the top. Cute White ankle socks and white vintage style plimsolls will complete the look. Autumn Still not too fancy and not a full skirt. Flowery dress again. Fairly Long in length, on the knee. A pastel colour again, maybe a bit darker than what they would have worn in summer. The reason young girls wore pastel colours is because darker colours look quite grown up. Over the top of the pastel dress you shold wear a brown thick knit cardi. White ankle socks and brown shoes. Winter Winter is generally a lot colder than summer. A full navy blue skirt just above the knee with a mathcing coat, the buttons would normally be large white ones down the front or double buttoned on both sides. The coat would be nearly as long as the skirt. Underneath you could wear a plain white blouse with small buttons all the way to the neck with cround collars. Finish it off with a matyching bow in the hair and grey socks and brown/black/grey shoes. Spring Pretty much the same as autumn but with a lighter and brighter cardi. The thick knit was good for colder months. Tip Remember nothing has to look perfect, In 1945 the war was only just finishing, people had to make do and mend what they had. ---- Hope i helped x

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Q: What would a 10 year old girl wear in 1945?
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