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The car body

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Q: What would a person consider the mitochondria of a car?
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Under what circumstances would a person need to purchase temporary car insurance?

The circumstances a person would need to purchase temporary car insurance would most likely involve the purchase of a new vehicle. If you were getting a rental car, you might also consider temporary insurance to protect yourself.

What would be the mitochondria of a car?

The oil because oil turns into gas which gives energy like the mitochondria makes ribosomes that produce proteins for the cell.

Do i need driver insurance if i drove someones car?

I am in law encorement in the state of Iowa, and my answer would be no. Auto insurance typically goes with a car, not a person. However, you may consider having the person who owns the car, check their policy to make sure that there are no exclusions that would prohibit you from doing so.

Is an Audi a4 a chick car?

No, I would not consider it a chick car.

What would happen to a cell with no mitochondia?

the cell wouldn't know what to do.the mitochondria of A CELL is like the batteri of a car , if the cell had know mitochondria, it wouldn't work right

What is the top selling luxury car in japan?

i dont know if they would consider it luxury, but i would think it is the Smart Car.

If traveling a long distance by car , which of these would not be a necessary service to consider?

detailing the interior and exterior of the car

What happens if the car is fully insured but the driver is not and the car is hit and totaled?

The person who hit the car, if "at fault" would be responsible. If the person driving your car was the one at fault, then it would be your insurance that would have to cover it.

What would be the comparable part of a car as a mitochondria is to a cell?

The pistons because it transfers energy through the cell, like pipes and wires do.

A person who drives a car for somebody?

a person who drives a car for some body, that would be a chauffeur.

How can you use the word redundant in a sentence?

I would consider it redundant if you locked your car doors after locking the car in the garage.

What are a few things you should consider when buying a new car?

Some thing to consider before buying a car would be the age of the vehicle, mileage, any damage the car has incurred as well as what if any repairs have been done to the car.