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Q: What would a white ginger and Indian baby look like?
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What will a Indian and a white ginger baby look like?


If two ginger parents have a baby would the baby be ginger?

nope clover.

How would a baby look like if the mother was East Indian and the father was half black and white?

ok, look. there really is no answer for that, but it would not look wierd or anything. It would look like a normal baby, it would just depend on how the actual parents look.

Female has dark brown hair and male has ginger will baby be ginger?

Most likely, no, the baby will not be a ginger because the "ginger gene" is recessive and non-dominant which means that it skips generations and then might not even show because say, brown hair, in a dominant gene. I am sorry to say that no, the baby will not be a ginger. (in 150 yrs. they will be extinct you know) Signed, Crazy Ginger Girl :D

What causes a ginger baby?

Correct Genes

Is it possible for a baby's ginger hair to change colour as the baby gets older?

yes and is very likely but there is nothing to worry about ginger hair is lovely

If dad has red hair and mom is a blond what color would baby have?

it depends on the X and Y chromosomes. The baby could have red OR blond. Or quite possibly Strawberry-Blond.

What is the scientific name or taxonomic classification of the Rose flower White Baby Rambler?

The scientific or taxonomic name would be Rosa 'White Baby'.

If a half black half white man has a baby with a white woman what would the baby be?

True, but wouldn't they be 1/4 white and 1/4 black? The answer is probably way easier than you ever thought it would be. It would also be a mix-race person.

If a baby is born in England to a Indian mother and an Indian father does the baby automatically get Indian or English citizenship?

The baby would only get British citizenship automatically if the parents are settled in the UK or hold British citizenship. Registration would be made under section 1(3) of the British Nationality Act 1981. Any other circumstances would be at the discretion of the Home Office immigration authorities.

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posh ginger sporty scary baby

How fast does a baby ginger monkey run?