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Q: What would aboriginal children did as chores?
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What did the vikings children do at home?

The aboriginal children did chores in the kitchen.

What children did for chores in the 1600s?

Yes. Believe its true. If you did not work you did not eat so therefore children would have done chores to ensure eating privileges.

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Is it against religious beliefs to give children chores?

I would actually argue just the opposite, that the Christian faith supports giving children chores. Proverbs 22:6 is a great reference to use. The Bible favors discipline and training children. Chores can be a wonderful teaching tool!

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realy hard chores

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Children in the 1600s performed chores that helped their families survive What type of chores did the children complete?

to do the eletive

When was Aboriginal Children's Advancement Society created?

Aboriginal Children's Advancement Society was created in 1966.