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It would be called a transferase. A transferase is defined as an enzyme which "transfers chemical groups between different molecules."


Daugherty, Ellyn. "Enzymes: Protein Catalysts." Biotechnology: Science for the New Millennium. St. Paul, MN: Paradigm, 2007. 143-44. Print.

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A methyltransferase enzyme.

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Q: What would an enzyme be called if it moves methyl groups between molecules?
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What is an acylase?

An acylase is an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of acyl groups from various chemical compounds. These enzymes are involved in the metabolism of certain drugs, xenobiotics, and other organic molecules.

How do enzyme cofactors and coenzymes differ?

Enzyme cofactors are inorganic ions or small molecules that assist enzymes in catalyzing reactions, while coenzymes are organic molecules, often derived from vitamins, that act as carriers of specific functional groups to help enzymes function properly. Cofactors are usually tightly bound to the enzyme, while coenzymes are loosely bound and may shuttle between enzymes to transfer functional groups.

What is the part of the enzyme that binds with the substrate?

The active site is the part of the enzyme that binds with the substrate. It is where the catalytic activity of the enzyme takes place. The active site is specific to the substrate, allowing for selective binding and catalysis.

An enzyme that enables two or more substances to form a more complex structure?

A transferase enzyme facilitates the transfer of functional groups between molecules to create more complex structures. These enzymes are essential for many cellular processes, including metabolism and synthesis of biomolecules. Examples of transferase enzymes include kinases, glycosyltransferases, and acyltransferases.

What three molecules or group of atoms combine to form an ATP molecule?

Adenosine, ribose sugar, and a chain of three phosphate groups combine to form an ATP molecule.

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The enzyme that activates another enzyme is called a kinase. Kinases add phosphate groups to proteins, a process known as phosphorylation, which can activate or deactivate the target enzyme.

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What is an acylase?

An acylase is an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of acyl groups from various chemical compounds. These enzymes are involved in the metabolism of certain drugs, xenobiotics, and other organic molecules.

What is an acyltransferase?

An acyltransferase is a transferase enzyme which catalyzes the transfer of acyl groups between lipids.

How do enzyme cofactors and coenzymes differ?

Enzyme cofactors are inorganic ions or small molecules that assist enzymes in catalyzing reactions, while coenzymes are organic molecules, often derived from vitamins, that act as carriers of specific functional groups to help enzymes function properly. Cofactors are usually tightly bound to the enzyme, while coenzymes are loosely bound and may shuttle between enzymes to transfer functional groups.

What is the relationship between cells and molecules?

Atoms make up elements. groups of elements make up molecules. Groups of molecules form macromolecules (polymers) which make up cells.

The inorganic non-protein components that participate in enzyme catalysis are known as?

Cofactors and coenzymes are the inorganic non-protein components that participate in enzyme catalysis by assisting in catalyzing reactions. Coenzymes are organic molecules that usually function as temporary carriers of specific functional groups, whereas cofactors are typically inorganic ions or molecules that assist in enzyme function.

What did Robert Boyle call the groups of atoms that he studied?

he called them molecules

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Alkaline phosphatase is also known as ALP, ALKP, ALPase and Alk Phos. It is a hydrolase enzyme which removes phosphate groups from different types of molecules.

Phosphate groups interact with positively charged protein molecules called?
