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The twister's sister...

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Q: What would be a Hinky-Pinky for the tornado's female sibling?
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If your brother has one son and two daughters how many nieces would you have?

Assuming he is your only sibling with female children, you would have two (2) nieces.

How do you say my brother in hawaiian?

Aloha: 1. kuaʻana (older sibling of same sex); 2. kaina (younger sibling of same sex); 3. kunāne (of a female); 4. hānau mua (older sibling); 5. hānau hope (younger sibling

Why would someone move to tornado alley?

So they can study tornados

What is the feminine of great uncle?

Guessing you mean the wife/sister of a great uncle, which would be great auntie.

What is your relationship with your brother's son?

Uncle or Auntie on your part depending if you're male/female. Their son is your Nephew (a daughter would be Niece). It makes no difference if the sibling involved is your brother or sister to this :)

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No, you wouldn't, but in reality, the age difference between you and the sibling seeking cusotdy would have to be fairly substantial.

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from an adult or an older sibling

Funeral arrangements what sibling decides?

Cremation, if I am the sibling deciding. ANSWER 2: It should be decided by the eldest sibling after full consultation with the others. In a perfect world, the parent should or would have let his/her wishes be known beforehand.

What is the meaning of sister?

The word sister is defined as a female sibling; in other words, if your parents have at least two children, one of whom is you and the other one being a girl, that girl would be your sister. The word is also often used metaphorically to indicate a sense of kinship toward a female; she is a sister to me.

How is your dads son from another woman related to you?

they would be your half sibling

What rights do adopted sibling have in their sibling's intestate estate?

In most jurisdictions a legally adopted sibling is a legal heir. You would need to check the laws of your state. You can find state-by-state intestacy laws linked in the related question below.

What will happen to the sun when it dies?

There would be all kids of things like earthquakes,sunnamis,tornados, and hurricanes. The earth would be like a pile of dust. IT BE COLD BURR!!!! :)