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Headed east from the Rocky Mountains, the Great Plains opened up before my eyes.

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In order to start a descriptive paragraph, you want a good topic sentence that draws the reader in. You can start with a question or quote for maximum effect.

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Q: What would be a good topic sentence for a description paragraph?
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Where can you find the topic sentence in the second paragraph?

Usually the topic sentence is the first sentence in a paragraph. The topic sentence makes a statement about some topic and the rest of the paragraph explains the topic sentence or gives examples of the topic sentence. For example if this was the topic sentence There are three living species of Kiwi all of which inhabit New Zealand. Then this paragraph would probably tell us what the three species are and where they live in NZ.

Would be a good topic sentence for a description paragraph?

Headed east from the Rocky Mountains, the Great Plains opened up before my eyes.

In which of the elements of a paragraph would you find support for the main idea?

The topic sentence should state the main idea that will be developed. The reader should easily be able to see the main idea, simply by reading the topic sentence. The topic sentence is usually the first sentence in the paragraph, and is the most important thought in the paragraph.

Would the topic sentence go in the introduction?

Yes, the topic sentence typically goes in the introduction of a paragraph. It serves as a brief summary of the main point or idea that will be discussed in the paragraph.

A sentence for the meaning of topic?

The topic sentence grabs a readers attention. it supports the thesis--------APEX ~veronica

Is a topic sentence the main idea and thesis statement?

A topic sentence is the main idea of a paragraph. It is usually the first sentence of the paragraph and makes a statement about some topic. The rest of the paragraph explains the topic sentence or gives examples of the topic sentence. A thesis is an essay or treatise on a particular subject. So a thesis statement would be a (short) paragraph at the beginning of the these stating what the thesis is about.

What part of the sentence in the paragraph contains it main idea?

If you mean what sentence in the paragraph contains the main idea then it would be the topic sentence and the rephrased version of the conclusion.

What you would try to identify when you're looking for the main idea in a single paragraph?

When looking for the main idea in a single paragraph, I would focus on identifying the central topic or theme that the paragraph is discussing. This can usually be found in the topic sentence or repeated throughout the paragraph. It is important to distinguish the main idea from supporting details or examples.

what sentence would be the topic sentence in a paragraph about a school athletic team?

how to change a soccer game technically.

What would you look for when you try to identify the main idea in a single paragraph?

Topic sentence

In a paragraph about laughter and health what would be a good topic sentence?

Laughing is good for people.

How do you write a topic sentence for an example paragraph?

A topic sentence is a sentence that explains what the paragraph is going to be about. For example, if a paragraph is about horses, the topic sentence would tell exactly what type of horse it is about. An example would be: "Arabian horses are both beautiful and functional creatures".