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Q: What would be an acknowledgement for project on air pollution?
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Investigatory project in air pollution?


You want to know about to control air pollution to make a project?

To incorporate proper pollution cotrol ina project you need to know: * Sources of pollution in the project (materials and processes)]Existing ecological conditions before the construction is initiated * Local considerations (public involvement) * Sustainability options * Regulated pollution control requirements * The reclamation plan for the site when the project is don

What was the point of the Army Air Corps?

The acknowledgement that air power would someday be an essential part of the US Armed Forces.

Is there a quote about pollution?

There is so much pollution in the air, that if it were not for our lungs, we would have no where to put it.

What is air pollution and WHAT ARE the types of air pollution?

air pollution is a ecological balance

What is the difference between air pollution and pollution?

"Air pollution" specifically refers to contaminants in the air that can have negative effects on human health and the environment, while "pollution" is a broader term encompassing contaminants in air, water, and soil. Air pollution can include gases, particulate matter, and volatile organic compounds emitted from sources like vehicles and industrial processes.

Where is the most air pollution?

air pollution travels in the air

How is pollution spread?

There are many forms of pollution. However the most frequently discussed forms of pollution would be air pollution and water pollution. Air pollution occurs when air pollutants are released into the air, and therefore is airbourne. Water pollution is, as the name suggests, pollution of water. This can be further subdivided into sewage water, factory discharge and many others. So I am not entirely sure what you mean, if you could specify, that would be great! :)

Is there air pollution in the UK?

there's air pollution everywhere no matter where you go there's air pollution.

What is the meaning of water and air pollution?

water pollution: polluting water air pollution: polluting air

Which layer would have the most air pollution on the atmosphere?

The troposphere

Is there air pollution?

There are many types of air pollution. There can be particulate air pollution from things like dirt and pollen. There can be chemical air pollution from things like engines.