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To incorporate proper pollution cotrol ina project you need to know:

* Sources of pollution in the project (materials and processes)]Existing ecological conditions before the construction is initiated * Local considerations (public involvement) * Sustainability options * Regulated pollution control requirements * The reclamation plan for the site when the project is don

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Q: You want to know about to control air pollution to make a project?
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Answerso that you know what to do when you make your project not to mention that if you have a project plan you are most likely not to commit a mistakeAnswerJust answered a similar question. Remember, failing to plan is planning to fail. Even in today's changing world, a project plan is critical to control the progress of a project (how would you know what to do next without a project plan?). The project plan usually deviates from the initial project plan as the project moves forward, but that doesn't diminish its importance at all.

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How do you make a model to control noise pollution?

Noise pollution is a serious issue for many companies. Although the long-term effects of noise pollution have not yet been determined as of the time of publication. In which five step to control noise pollution: Check equipment to make sure it is operating properly. Measure the decibel level of the noise. Provide hearing protection and limit noise exposure. Provide education to employees on noise pollution. Offer employee hearing tests.