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Q: How do you make a working model on pollution?
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Get more than 1 person, in a room, with their own music, emmitting devices. The more the better, and, make sure that they all like different kinds of music, and, insist they play their own preference, at, their preffered, outdoor, volume. Then, just mange the group, for your variables...............chuck

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What working model can you make of sst if you are in class 6th?

In a class 6th working model of the water cycle, you can demonstrate the process using simple materials like a glass of water, plastic wrap, and a lamp. Place the glass of water in a container, cover it with plastic wrap, and place the lamp over it. As the water heats up from the lamp, it evaporates, condenses on the plastic wrap, and eventually drips back into the glass, simulating the stages of the water cycle.

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you can make a bulb working.......................