

Best Answer
  • In a windy country the answer is wind.
  • In a sunny country it is solar.
  • In a mountainous country with rivers and rain it is hydroelectric dams.
  • In a country on a tectonic fault it might be geothermal.
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10y ago
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11y ago

well earth is large enough . we will not be running out of energy in next thousands years . Renewable sources are good but hard and expensive to extract

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10y ago

Yes, the sun is the source of most of the earth's renewable energy (not geothermal or tidal).

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11y ago

Because one day all the non-renewable energy will run out and the renewable energy will be all we have left

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11y ago

no because it is renewable and you can always renew it that is like asking can we ever run out of water when there is big ocean you damb idiotic freek

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15y ago

i hope so

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Q: What would be the best renewable energy source for the future?
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How do you do a project on being against renewable energy?

Renewable energy is a noteworthy goal and hopefully it will be cost effective in the future. To stand against renewable energy just because it is renewable would not be a worthy endeavor.

Why would somebody choose solar energy and not another energy source?

its renewable and free

Will solar energy be deployed as a possible energy source?

Yes, solar energy is now use as energy source in many location. The future of energy would not only rely on one type of power plant but a mixed of different renewable energy depending on the resource and geographic of the location.

Why would the use of alternative source of energy be beneficial to the Earth and its people?

It would utilize renewable energy sources and create less pollution

Type of energy source that will enentually be used up?

Non-renewable energy sources, such as fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas, are finite resources that will eventually be depleted. These sources are formed over millions of years and cannot be replenished within a human lifetime. Transitioning to renewable energy sources is crucial for long-term sustainability.

What is an important renewable source of energy?

Water power, mostly in hydro-electric power plants attached to dams and rivers, is the most common source of renewable energy. Close to 17% of the world's electricity is generated from hydro.

An energy source that won't ever run out is called?

An energy source that never runs out would be called: Impossible. There is no such thing as an energy source that will never run out otherwise it would break the Laws of Thermodynamics and we would all be in big trouble. Renewable energy sources are based on things like wind power, solar power which we expect will last longer than the human species.

Why would weather systems be considered a renewable energy source?

because it repeats over and over again.

Is nuclear a renewable or nonrenewable energy source?

At present it is no kind of energy source and unlikely to be for many years to come. Technically it would be non-renewable, but the raw material is the most common element in the universe so that's not likely to be an insurmountable problem.

Is the energy renewable?

Yes the sun is regarded as renewable energy. We can use it as much as we like today and there's still just as much coming at us tomorrow.A:The sun is not renewable energy source, it is regarded as an inexhaustible energy source because it should last for about 4.5 billion years more. To be renewable it would have to be able to be reconstructed or repowered as it ran down - we can't do this No, the sun will eventually explode in billions of years to come

Is atomic energy renewable or non renewable?

Basically atomic energy is a non renewable resource. The source of the energy is the supernova that exploded close to where earth was formed and the atomic energy has been running down ever since. However if man could harness nuclear fusion (which he has not done in the field of energy generation to date) then this too would be a non renewable resource but it would last man for as long as it mattered.

Is renewable energy radiant energy?

That depends on the source. Solar energy is raidaint and counts as renewable, if you could collect radiant energy form naturally occurring sources they would be renewable, in many cases the radiant heater though not renewable in large structures like aircraft hangars are more energy efficent.