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Q: What would be the density of the shark?
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Why can a shark whale's body compact under sea?

A shark whales body will not be compacted under water because the density of its skin is to hard, this is why sharks like The Great White and Tiger shark do not attack the whale shark.

Would win out of a shark and a jellyfish?

the shark would win unless its a large jelly species.

Who would win shark versus electric eel?

It would depend on the species of shark. If it was a baby shark that only ate small crabs and shrimps, the eel. If it was a great white shark then the shark.

Who would win a fight between a whale and a great white shark?

Whale would eat the shark not grind it shark would eat insides shark wins whale loses

Who would win a whale shark vs tiger shark?

tiger shark

What would win in a fight a puma or shark?

a tiger would win

What would win a fight - an octopus or a shark?

A shark

Bull shark vs tiger shark who would win?

I would say bull shark because they're way swifter and probably have a stronger bite.

Who would win in a fight a tiger shark or hammerhead shark?

Mostly the Tiger shark would win. Most species of hammer heads are smaller than the tiger shark and hence would lose.

What is or what was the biggest shark?

The biggest shark was the megaloden a HUGE shark.The biggest shark today would be the Whale Shark.

Do you have shark cartilage?

We do not have shark cartilage because then we would be sharks and I do not want to be a shark or have any shark cartilage in me at all.

What would be a match for a tiger shark?

a match for a tiger shark is a great white bull shark or a whale shark