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If a comet hits the ground than the gravity will be greater or lesser?

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Q: What would be the effect of this particular comet hitting earth?
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Will a comet crash in to the earth in 2012?

It may, or it may not. There is no particular reason to assume that a comet will crash into Earth precisely in 2012.

What are the effect of comets?

Unless the comet actually hits the Earth, there would be no effect whatsoever.

Will Halley's comet ever crash to earth?

No. It is over 55 million miles from Earth when it gets to its closest so there is no chance of it hitting us.

How does geographic position effect temperature?

The amount of sunlight hitting the earth.

What effect does earth have on a comet?

there is not actually not a harmful effect on a comet it just gets dark.just don,t look at it or if you do you will get blinded so if you do go to the docters and see what they can do if the docters cant help your jus blinded forever.chi ching$$

How fast does a comet go?

It is too difficult to tell. There is no existing average for the velocity of comets, as all comets are different. Gravitional, solar and initial velocity have a lot to due with the velocity of a comet. Even though there is a great deal of variation, the answer would have to be very, very fast. Fast, that is, compared to earth standards. If a comet were to hit earth, for example, chances are that we wouldn't see or even know that it had hit. It would just hit. Not to scare you. The chances of a comet hitting the earth are slim to none.

How are the comets going to affect the world?

Very little, actually. A comet has essentially no effect on the Earth, unless it actually HITS the Earth. When that happens, the effect will depend on the mass of the comet, but we do believe that this was probably what killed off the dinosaurs - and most other large animals on Earth - 65 million years ago. It HAS happened before, with catastrophic effect. It WILL happen again - if we're not ready to prevent it.

What effect did asteroids hitting the earth have?

All the way from forming the moon to pretty lights in the sky.

Which is the largest the earth the sun or the a comet?

The sun is the largest out of the three and then the earth and then a comet.

When is the next comet coming by the earth?

As of May 20, 2014 the next comet that will be coming by the Earth is Comet Faye at the end of May 2014. In June 2014, Comet Brooks 2 will be passing the Earth.

What comet visited earth in 1986?

comet sandy

What is the name of the comet that will pass earth in August 15 2011?

The name of the comet that will pass Earth on August 15, 2011, is the comet Honda.