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Q: What would be the effects of a spinal cord hemisection at the level of L1?
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How does damage to the spinal cord affect your mental processes and behavior?

Spinal injury does not affect mental processing at all. This is save for the psychological effects of having to come to terms with the disability. It would also not affect the base personality of the injured person - the behviour of the injured person would remain the same - depending on the mobility requirement of the behaviour you are referring to - as well as the psychological acceptance level of the individual.

What would happen if the ventral root of a spinal nerve were damage or transected?

There are a number of things that would happen if the ventral root of a spinal nerve were damage or transected, This would mainly cause the loss of the sensory function and there would be neuropathic pain among other effects.

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What would be the effect on breathing of a spinal cord injury at the level of the 6th cervical vertebra?

The diaphragm would still be innervated, but the intercostal muscles would not. The person would only be able to undertake quiet breathing 

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That would be a neurosurgeon. They specialize in brain and spinal surgery.

Why would a spinal tap confirm a N meningitidis infection?

A spinal tap would confirm a meningitis infection. Meningitis is an infection of the meninges where the spinal fluid flows through the area.

What is the function of the spinal nerves?

I would suggest looking on wikipedia! I would suggest looking on wikipedia!

Who would win cinder or spinal killer instinct?

Spinal....I played it with both characteres and I'm good at it and spinal is by far the best character in the game

At what level of spinal cord injury is full shoulder movement wrist extension and dorsflextion and some finger movement maintained?

This would most likely be at T1, possibly C7.

A patient has fever for 2 days headache with stiff neck why would a stat spinal tat?

The spinal tap would be to check for menengitis.

What happens if you get glass in your spinal cord?

If you are in a car accident or have glass come in contact with your spinal cord in some other way, the result could be a complete spinal cord injury and complete paralysis below the level of injury. Immediate surgery would be necessary to prevent the glass from causing further damage. Any nerves severed by the glass would be incapable of carrying messages between the brain and the body, therefore anything below the injury site would be paralyzed.