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Q: What would be the equivilant of a sovereign in todays money?
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The worlds first practical automobile, the Benz Patent Motorwagen sold for 2,000 goldmarks in 1885. That is equivilant to around $508 in that days money. In todays money that is equal to around $12,000.

How much is 15 shillings in todays money?

15 Shillings would be about 70 dollars in todays money. How cool is that?

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It would probably be about $10,000.

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What is 50 in 1828 worth in todays money?

I think that it would be worth about $1100 by today's money

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about 2 ponds

How much would 100 dollars from 1961 be worth today?

If you mean what is 500 dollars in 1965 equivilant to in today's money value then the answer is about 3,600 dollars. If you mean what is 500 dollars in today's money equivilant to in 1965's money value then it is about 68 dollars.

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colonial beaver hats were about $250 (todays money) which would have been about $20 then

How much is 15 cents in 1885 worth in todays money?

$0.15 of 1885 dollars would be worth: $3.57 in 2012.

How much is 15 shillings in British money today?

There were 20 shilling in one pound. Therefore 15 shillings would equal 75 pence in todays money.

Was John Wilkes Booth rich or poor?

His annual income as an actor was equal to $500,000 in todays money which would certainly mean that he was not poor.

How would you use sovereign in sentences?

In modern democracies, the people's will is (in theory) sovereign.