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One possible benefit would be to measure the amount of water that may be trapped in the permafrost. This information would be invaluable to scientists planning manned expeditions to the planet.

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Q: What would be the positive results of blasting mars with asteroids?
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If all the asteroids in the asteroid belt were combined would they be smaller then the moon?

The answer is no. Because alot of the asteroids are as big as a grain of sand.

What are some characteristics of asteroids?

The composition of asteroids can vary widely. The defining characteristics of asteroids are that they are at least 10 meter in diameter, and that they orbit the Sun - NOT a planet, in which case they would be called moons.

When dividing negative number by a positive number what is the results?

A negative number divided by a positive number will be a negative number. For example: -20 / 4 = -5 -100 / 2 = -50 Here are the other cases of division by positive or negative numbers. A negative number divided by a negative number would be a positive number. A positive number divided by a positive number would be a positive number. A positive number divided by a negative number would be a negative number.