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He could use the thesaurus feature in his word-processing program.

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Q: What would be the quickest way Jamie could look up an alternate word choice?
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Is Jamie cooler then Stevie?

I don't know. If you would tell me who Jamie and Stevie are, perhaps I could tell you.

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The criminal devised an alternate plan to commit the robbery after the initial one failed.

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'Jami' could possibly be a name, or perhaps you are thinking of 'jama.' Respectively, this could mean "I am Jamie" (or "It's/That's Jamie.") or "[something] is a nuisance."

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Jamie thought about all the good things he could do for himself,his family,and the people around the world .So Jamie tried and was successful.

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Jamie Lynn had her baby in the summer sometime. where have you been? it was in the news so how could you have missed it.

What does alternatively?

'Alternate' means 'one following on from the other'. So 'alternating' current describes a current that flows first in one direction, then in the other. Not to be confused (although it often is!) with 'alternative', which means 'a choice between two', as in 'We could either go this way, or we could choose the alternative route'.

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Does Jamie die at the end of the book in a walk to remember?

yes Nicholas Sparks comment "As to whether she actually lived or died, it's ambiguous and purposely meant to be that way. If you wanted Jamie to live, she lived. If you knew that Jamie would die, she died..She, at the end, marries Landon Jamie, unfortunately, does pass away at the end of the book due to cancer. However, Jamie could still be living in some sort of form. Maybe not human, but as Landon says... "Her love is like the wind. I can't see it, but I can feel it." So, it's really your own choice whether she is really dead or if her presence is still there.

Could you list some alternate terms for the word grandmother?

Oma, Granny

Who is Jamie Oliver's best friend?

I'm sure Jamie has many friends from the TV and cooking world. But only he could possibly answer who is best friend really is.

Who is Jamie Oliver's best friend?

I'm sure Jamie has many friends from the TV and cooking world. But only he could possibly answer who is best friend really is.