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Would lead to loss of both sensory & motor function. Ventral ramus is the anterior division of a spinal nerve.

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Q: What would be the result of damage to ventral root of a spinal nerve?
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Dorsal and ventral nerves of each spinal nerve unite to form what?

spinal nerve

Damage to this fiber type would lead to a loss of sensory function?

ventral root of a spinal nerve

What would happen if the ventral root of a spinal nerve were damage or transected?

There are a number of things that would happen if the ventral root of a spinal nerve were damage or transected, This would mainly cause the loss of the sensory function and there would be neuropathic pain among other effects.

Is ventral root a loss of motor function?

Yes, the ventral root of a spinal nerve is the efferent motor root, consists of axons of motor neurons. It joins the dorsal root to form a mixed spinal nerve, which consists of afferent sensory neurons (from the dorsal root) and efferent motor neurons (from the ventral root). Therefore severing the ventral root will result in a loss of motor function for the myotome supplied by that spinal nerve.

What does the ventral root of a spinal nerve do?

the ventral root carries motor response

What part of the spinal nerve consists of motor fibers leaving the spinal cord?

The ventral root.

What type of nerve fibers are found in the ventral ramus of a spinal nerve?

Both sensory and motor

The motor root of the spinal nerve is also referred to as the?

ventral root

What part of a spinal nerve contains only efferent fibers?

The ventral root of the spinal nerve has the efferent fibers and the dorsal root has the afferent. Prior to joining each other in the spine they each consist of only those fibers.

Nerve impulses from what will result in inspiration?

The ventral respiratory group (VGR), a network of neurons that extends in the ventral brain stem from the spinal cord to the pons-medulla junction, appears to be the rhythm-generating and integrative center of respiration.

Spinal nerve roots which contain only motor neuron axons?

the what? root of a spinal nerve consists of motor neuron axons

What would happen if the following structures were damaged or transected 1. dorsal root of spinal nerve 2. ventral root of spinal cord 3. ventral ramus of spinal cord?

loss of both the motor and sensory functions