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The water will get colder.

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Removing heat energy from a cup of water would cause the temperature of the water to decrease, eventually leading to it cooling down and possibly freezing if it reaches the freezing point.

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Q: What would be the result of removing heat energy from a cup of water?
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Removing the primary colors in secondary colors?

Removing the primary colors (red, blue, yellow) from secondary colors (green, purple, orange) would result in either a desaturated version of the secondary color or a mixture of the other secondary colors. For instance, removing blue from purple would leave a reddish hue, while removing blue from green would result in a yellowish tone.

Would result in a decrease in entropy?

water freezing

Why would KOH eliminate carbon dioxide under conditions of cellular respiration?

Potassium hydroxide (KOH) is used in cellular respiration experiments to absorb carbon dioxide. During respiration, cells release carbon dioxide as a waste product. KOH reacts with carbon dioxide to form potassium carbonate and water, effectively removing carbon dioxide from the system and allowing for accurate measurements of cellular respiration rates.

Which would take more energy to increase temperature by 5 degrees water or Aluminum?

It would take more energy to increase the temperature of water by 5 degrees than aluminum. This is because water has a higher specific heat capacity, meaning it requires more energy to raise its temperature compared to aluminum.

How is calorimetry related to the law of conservation of energy?

Calorimetry is the science of measuring heat changes in a system. It is related to the law of conservation of energy because it is based on the principle that energy cannot be created or destroyed in a closed system, only transferred as heat. Calorimetry allows us to measure these energy transfers through heat flow in chemical reactions or physical changes.

Related questions

What happens if you add or remove energy to a glass of water?

Adding energy to a glass of water typically increases the temperature, causing the water molecules to move faster. Removing energy from the water would cause it to cool down, slowing down the movement of water molecules.

What would be the result of removing a parameciums small nucleus?

It would not be able to reproduce:) <3 alekza

When something is being melted is it adding or removing thermal energy?

It would be added thermal energy to break intermolecular attractions

What is the result of removing water from underneath the ground?

when it rains of course you get, water. well that water travels under ground so if you were to remove dirt from the ground and were to dig deep enough you would find water.the effect of taking the water is nothing because eventually it will rain again.

What does removing salt from water decrease?

Removing the salt from the water would increase the temperature required for it to freeze, and also lower the temperature it takes to boil.Meaning it would freeze more easily.

Removing the primary colors in secondary colors?

Removing the primary colors (red, blue, yellow) from secondary colors (green, purple, orange) would result in either a desaturated version of the secondary color or a mixture of the other secondary colors. For instance, removing blue from purple would leave a reddish hue, while removing blue from green would result in a yellowish tone.

How would removing heat from a system change its state or temperature?

Heat tranfer is the method used to do this. Removing the heat from a system changes its state by changing the molecular structure of the system being used. Say it is water(H2o), if heat is removed from water it changes the energy level of the molecules by removing energy and causing the molecules to hold close to eachother. This creates a solidifying effect creating ice. If the opposite is done and heat is added to water, energy is added. The molecules then are energized and get to the point of not being able to be close to eachother seperating and going off on their own. Thus creating steam.

Does water vapour contract when cooled?

Yes. Cooling down water vapour removes energy. Pressure is a direct measurement of energy density (units for pressure: N/m2 which is the same as Nm per m3). So removing energy from water (thus cooling it) would lower its energy density, decreasing its pressure. Pressure directly influences volume, and so reducing pressure will reduce volume.

What energy of the water would increase if the water be hind a dam rose?

Potential energy.

Why would removing snakes from a food web might result in a decrease in the grasshopper population?

there would be no snakes to eat the frogs and with more frogs their would be less grasshoppers

Why would a dishwasher have a water flood?

The strainer may be clogged. Try removing and cleaning it.

What would be better than water alone for removing a greasy food stain?
