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Q: What would cause a Crooked esophagus?
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it cause heart burn and acid in your esophagus

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It is an abnormal co?

It is an abnormal contraction of the esophagus, like a muscle spasm, but in your esophagus. Your esophagus contracts by muscle contractions, so this may be a cause

How can throwing up cause damage to your esophagus?

Stomach acid can cause damage to one's teeth. It can also irritate the esophagus, which in the case of acid reflux, can permanently change the cellular makeup (Barret's Disease) of the esophagus.

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Does Joe Jonas have crooked feet?

joe Jonas does not have crooked feet that would just be weird

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Why does silent acid reflux cause damage to the throat and not the esophagus?

The throat is the esophagus. It is not protected from contact with the stomach acid so it is eroded.

What does it mean when all your fingers are crooked?

It can be caused by a number of things, I have had crooked fingers since i was born. It can be because of your family history. There are also a number of disorders that can cause this. I would check with your doctor to find out for sure but it most likely is nothing serious, but I'm no doctor.

Where would you visit if you had a crooked tooth?

you would visit an orthodontist

Failure of the sphincter will cause food to slide from the stomach back into the esophagus?


Did Julius Caesar have a crooked nose?

Yes he did. He had a really crooked nose with two nostrils. It was also very crooked, and I think the lady in the crooked house would like it. He also had a mole on his nose that was the size of a small grape. It was green and crooked. erm it was very nice and crooked but a bit to scary for my liking and was showing a bit to much nosey stuff and was a bit crooked. to answear your question did julius caesar have a crooked nose the answaer is no it was also massive